Breastfeeding Your Baby - The Benefits


As a Source of Nourishment:

Breast milk is considered to be the best elixir of childhood. For most babies, breast milk has always been considered as a reliable source of nourishment. This is because they are unable to obtain formula milk as early as five months. While other parents are resorting to breast milk substitutes for their babies, experts are still maintaining that breast milk is the best food for newborns. In fact, they maintained that the only way to make babies grow healthy is by giving them breast milk.

Health Issues for Baby:

Lactose intolerance can mar a baby's appetite as he grows up. This can eventually lead to health issues like diarrhea, vomiting and fever. Babies are usually intolerant of lactose from dairy products, so this can easily result to the intake of baby formula milk which is often high in lactose. This can cause sore nipples for new mothers and it can also cause babies to vomit after they have consumed it. Baby formula can also be full of artificial ingredients and chemicals which may not be ideal for growing infants. Thus, while giving your child breast milk is still the best, you should at least try giving your kid formula milk instead.

Recommendation for infants:

Breastfeeding is recommended to infants until they are at least six months old. During these early months, the child does not consume many foods which are rich in calories. Breast milk provides the necessary nutrients and proteins to the young ones which they will need as they grow up. This is why many babies are advised to breastfeed until they are six months old.

Read this article: Hipp Formula Canada.

Best type of milk for baby:

Breast milk also helps babies to develop properly. As they begin to consume solid foods, they do not have a high level of cholesterol and fats unlike the ones who were first born. There are also less occurrences of diseases such as diarrhea and constipation. These are all possible results of consuming breast milk exclusively or in conjunction with solids for at least six months.

Breast milk as a complete food:

Babies are likely to become fat if they receive too many calories. If a mother feeds her baby formula milk or even cow's milk, she can still keep the baby at a more healthy weight. By giving the baby a daily dose of breast milk, the mother can ensure that the baby is receiving all the nutrients needed to grow properly. However, there are many moms who are concerned about the health of their newborns if they are going to feed them solids. Feeding the baby food that has calories in it can cause it to gain excessive weight in a short period of time. Thus, the best thing to do in this case is to introduce cereals in the baby's diet during its first months.

Cereal is another option for babies:

Cereal is a good option when it comes to feeding your baby because it is made of digestible ingredients and the baby may eat up to five to six days old meals before they are ready to solidify. This is also the perfect time to start introducing solids like fruits and vegetables to the baby's diet. It is also a great way to introduce the baby to solid foods. However, this does not mean you should not feed your child milk at other times. You may use formula milk or breast milk until it is two months old.

For more information please visit: Organic baby formula.

Diseases about infant baby due to lack of proper care:

Many infants may experience symptoms of lactose intolerance. In such cases, the baby may be allergic to the proteins in formulas. In order to identify which formula is the best for him or her, you should check the labels of the milk formula. There are some formulas that are free from lactose while there are others that come with a lactose-free option.

Final Words:

Breast milk composition does not contain any harmful chemicals or pesticides. You can ensure the safety of your baby by choosing the most suitable formula for him or her. If you are new to breastfeeding, it is always better to start with a few months so that you can get used to the breast milk composition, temperature, and nutrients of the mother's milk. You can visit your doctor and get guidance on the best type of formula that will suit you and your baby. However, as long as you give the baby breast milk at least till he is around four to six months old, there is no problem in using breast milk.

For More Information Please Visit: Loulouka Formula.


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