What Are Dangerous Chemicals in Baby Care Products?



Baby Care Products are a must for any parent's household. Baby Care Products are composed of different sections to suit the individual needs of your baby. Depending on product type, the baby care products marketplace is classified into soaps, shampoos, detergents, soaps, baby lotions, bathing supplies, wipes, blankets, bedding, toys, accessories, baby foods, nursery items, baby supplements, baby travel gear, car seats, strollers, walkers, carriers, playthings, babies carriers, cribs and more. The Baby Care Products are classified further into soaps, detergents, soaps, baby lotions, bathing supplies, wipes, blankets, bedding, toys, accessories, baby food, nursery items, baby supplements, baby travel gear, walkers, carriers, playthings, diapers and more.

Baby care Products:

When it comes to Baby Care Products, most are concerned about the ingredients in the Baby Care Products and whether or not those ingredients might be dangerous to your infant's health. Today we want to be careful about the things that our little ones use. After all, we want to provide a safe and healthy environment for them, and we want to ensure their safety as we grow older. But as you may know, too well, natural baby products are not always the safest or the most effective for infants with sensitive skin.

Important Note:

One of the most important aspects of Baby Care Products is fragrance. We all remember the days when we used to drift through the aisle smelling of that perfume or that cologne. Nowadays, however, natural scents have come a long way. Today's finest natural essential oils and scents are tested to at least moderate intensity for use in baby care products, but they still don't get anywhere near the level of fragrance that we once experienced.

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Common Problems:

Perhaps one of the most common synthetic fragrances found in baby care products is parabens. These are petroleum-based chemicals that have been linked to an array of health problems, including cancer. The European Union has banned these types of chemicals, but the U.S. FDA does not. This has led many companies to develop natural alternatives to parabens, including soy and palm oils. Both of these types of oils are significantly less toxic than parabens, which are both carcinogenic and petroleum-based.

Use Of Sodium Laureth sulfate:

  • In addition to parabens, another common chemical found in baby care products is sodium Laureth sulfate (LSSS). This is also a synthetic chemical, albeit a very mild one. Sodium lauryl sulfate is used to help remove dirt and debris from baby underpants. Like the parabens mentioned above, it has been linked to the development of cancer. So, while there are natural alternatives to these two dangerous ingredients, you should still be wary of them.
  • You may be surprised to learn that another common chemical found in baby products is dioxane. Dioxane is a by-product of the paper industry and can have a range of health effects, including eczema, asthma, and cancer. Unfortunately, there currently isn't any safe level of exposure to dioxane, meaning that you could be exposing your child to this toxin in your personal care product without even knowing it. This makes a switch to all-natural products extremely important.
  • A couple other commonly found harmful chemicals in baby care products are fragrance oils and mineral oils. Fragrance oils are basically synthetic chemicals that manufacturers use to create new smells for their products. Although they smell nice, these can be extremely irritating to the skin of your newborn baby. Mineral oils are often used as a moisturizer. Unfortunately, they are also very bad for your newborn's health because they clog the pores of the skin and can make your baby feel extremely uncomfortable and even dirty.

Last Words:

So what should you look for in the safest baby care products available? For starters, you need to avoid anything with added fragrances and dioxane. It's best to choose organic, natural ingredients for everything you use on your newborn or infant. Natural baby care products include things like unscented baby wipes, unscented body wash, unscented soap, and pure vitamin E. These products will provide your babies with everything they need to be as healthy as possible. In addition to using natural products, you'll also want to make sure that you change out your newborn babies' diapers regularly and monitor their skin closely to make sure that nothing is irritants.

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